HF Archive
by Diana

HF 006

February 13, 2006:

006: Another Dramatic Entrance

Did I promise you a beautiful panel 4? Well, my comic-making skills ran away with the spoon or something. This only came out after HOURS of working it and re-working it. >< And comic no. 7 is being equally difficult. Sigh.

Does anyone know why absolutely ALL my vote sites are being cruel and unusual? I can't figure 'em out. ;_;

Next comic: Isn't this kid a bit young to be ordering everyone around? Incentive: A close-up of my beautiful watercolor + ink present for Ashlet! Minus the frame, which wouldn't scan. =D This is Aodhan, a sweet character you have yet to meet in the comic. I hug him for sweetness. *hug*

INCENTIVE - This is the incentive for this comic update, usually put up in the Archive one/two updates later.

Hana is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
All characters here, unless otherwise noted, are the property of Diana and her friends! That means NO STEALING!
As an exception to the above statement, Aly, Nawat, and the Darkings are copyright Tamora Pierce. I basically copied the base characters, and then tweaked them to fit in with my storyarch. So, no, they aren't the same, but yes, I do owe credit to the wonderful Tamora Pierce.